Congested Skin? How to Get Your Glow Back in 7 Steps
Congested skin refers to skin that has a buildup of impurities, appearing dull, rough, and textured. It is caused by a variety of factors that lead to clogged pores, an overload of oil, and trapped dead skin cells on the surface of the skin.
Green Hair Gel: The Natural Solution for Styling with a Clear Conscience
The beauty industry is going green. Sales of natural and organic personal care products have skyrocketed in recent years, with an estimated 50% growth from 2012 to 2016. This rise in natural beauty aligns with consumer demand for products made from plant-derived, non-toxic ingredients. One area seeing a surge? Green hair gels.
Green hair gels use naturally-derived thickeners and styling agents, avoiding controversial ingredients like parabens and phthalates typically found in synthetic gels. In this post, we’ll explore the issues with conventional hair gels, the benefits of natural formulas, what to look for when buying green gels, tips for using them, and examples of good options on the market. By the end, you’ll understand why green hair gel is taking over the industry.